Getting serious about the internet shopper
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We often run into salespeople and managers who have yet to take the internet shopper seriously. They are still trying to force every internet shopper into a 100% traditional face to face dealership experience or worse dismissing leads as worthless or low priority items. Well, if you believe the leads are gold or garbage... you will be right. The quality of leads is driven by quality of on-line experience, on-line tools, lead generation forms, and response times from the dealership. The highest quality lead comes from a customer who has been able to lead themselves further into the selection process through strong on-line resources:
• Are they able to research the vehicle of interest, all of its features, equipment, and options?
• Are they able to "build" their vehicle on-line through configuration tools?
• Are there enough photos, descriptions, and video to remove doubts about vehicle selection?
• Are they able to price their vehicle and calculate payment options without having to leave the website?
If the customer can do these things they are closer to a buying decision before the first contact with the dealership.
Once the customer has selected a vehicle on-line what are the "calls to action" that generate the lead to the dealer? Do the choices available represent what the customer really wants to have happen next? "Ask a question" is always the weakest category of lead. "Buy now" scares many customers away. The stronger leads come from: "Book a test drive", "What's my trade worth", "What's my price?", or "Online finance application".
The quality of lead is also improved when there is a telephone number field. If we have given enough value on-line through our information and tools then people will give up their anonymity. People who are not comfortable providing their phone number are weaker leads (and they may even put in a fictitious one!).
This leads us to response time expectations. The studies we use in training and coaching show huge differences in effectiveness based on response time.
Less than 1 hour vs. 2 hours
• 10 times more likely to make contact
• 84% more likely to close contacted leads
5 minutes vs. 30 minutes
• 100x more likely to make voice contact
• 21x more likely contacted lead will commit to sales process
Based on the consumer research many dealership's standards for response times need to be strengthened. Dealers may say that a 5 minute response time is impossible. It is possible with the right approach and tools. The facts show that if you are slow in response time you might as well not bother to respond. They have already moved on! A response in 5 minutes means they may still have your vehicle on their computer screen.
If it is taking you hours or days to respond to internet leads then you're not even in the game. With statistics like those above you have to ask: what would we let get in the way of a 5 minute response time?
Automotivaters is highly recognized and one of the most respected automotive training and consulting companies in Canada. Since 1987, the company has acquired an international client base throughout Canada, the United States, the Philippines, Indonesia, French Polynesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and New Zealand.
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