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Shortening Trade Cycles - Part 3

Last month we talked about 3 ways a sales consultant could influence the average trade cycle of their client base and give themselves a pay raise. If you missed that one you can read it in our blog archive here.


7 Bad Sales Habits you need to drop

Do you feel like you’re working as hard as you possibly can to make more sales but somehow you never seem to “close" enough? Maybe you have developed a few bad habits that you might not even be aware of.

Here are seven bad sales habits that you should drop now:


Making "No" the right answer

Have you ever noticed how easy it is for people to say No in a shopping situation? It's almost automatic!  Of course it is just natural shopping behaviour that comes from their fears.


I just need to talk it over with my spouse...

I just need to talk it over with my spouse...


Uh... I think you are leaking closing ratio

What holds us back from hitting our volume and income objectives? For most salespeople, the difference between where you are and where you would like to be is only a matter of a few points in closing ratio. So where do we "leak" closing ratio?
